Here is my contents page half way towards completion. It looks cohesive in some ways for example, the masthead font is the same however the colour is not. Also, the background is white and this shows cohesion in my work. A variety of images have been used, some taken inside the school building and some taken outside the school building. A thing that I don't like is that most sixth forms and colleges and mixed yet my contents page only consists of images with girls in them. This is a factor which isn't good as the magazine looks more feminine and not unisex. There are a lot of white spaces which hopefully, I am thinking of filling up with graphics and other captions. I still need to add colour to my masthead to match the masthead on my cover page and add page numbers inside graphics to make my contents page more colourful and eye-catching. In my opinion, the images on the contents page relate well to my theme and target audience as well as the captions on my cover page. Overall, adding more colour to the contents page will be quite necessary because my front cover is quite colourful, even though the background is white and too simple.
This is my finised contents page. I added all the features I needed to change to make it better.
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